Friday 22 November 2013

Snippet of "A BOOK THAT NEVER DIES II: the creation story"

Photo: Snippet of "A BOOK THAT NEVER DIES II: the creation story

Then one day, Nyame asked his brother finally,
"Bonsam, let's create something in our own kind?"
He rejected quickly stating categorically that
Humans might grow and overthrow him.
And therefore wouldn't be a part of that venture
So Nyame had no option than to visit Asaase Yaa
Who received Nyame very warmly and kindly
And agreed to let Nyame build His planet inside her.

First he began by creating a husband for Yaa, Ewiam
Who happened to be the sky that we see everyday
He separated the water from Asaase Yaa's belly

Full poem out on 2nd December, 2013
Then one day, Nyame asked his brother finally,
"Bonsam, let's create something in our own kind?"
He rejected quickly stating categorically that
Humans might grow and overthrow him.
And therefore wouldn't be a part of that venture
So Nyame had no option than to visit Asaase Yaa
Who received Nyame very warmly and kindly
And agreed to let Nyame build His planet inside her.

First he began by creating a husband for Yaa, Ewiam
Who happened to be the sky that we see everyday
He separated the water from Asaase Yaa's belly

Full poem out on 2nd December, 2013

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