Sunday 22 December 2013


When the dawn of the Yuletide beckons, all jubilate to herald the end of the year with festivities. But one group of species remain unhappy. That's the chicken.

The 'ordeal' of the chicken is aptly captured in this four (4) piece poem 'Mercy Christmas' by poet J.Y. Frimpong, reflecting the pain that befalls the chicken when Christmas comes around.

Mercy Christmas is a direct,concise and accurate poem that allows the chicken lover to peer into the pain the featherly animal endures.

Stanzas such as the one below captures the reality of our time
'To the chicken there's only one reality
Whenever the big red and white man appears the population begins to dwindle'

Unless you are a vegan, showing mercy to the chicken on such an occasion will be a travesty. It won't be out of place to say an ode for the chicken before taking that 'bath that leads to the stomach of the whale'

WRITTEN BY: Swaye Kidd

Mercy Christmas to be released on 24th December, 2013

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