Saturday 11 January 2014

Readers' View about "1661"

After uploading "1661" to the net, I got about 10 feedback. After reading all of it, I will like to publish the following two feedback not because it praises me (which is actually to the contrary). I am publishing these two because it was different from the other 8 which were merely "WOW. NICE ONE", "VERY INTERESTING", "I LOVED IT" but also raised legitimate issues and concerns.

1. I’d like to talk about the use of literary devices.
First, I will talk about the effective use of suspense. You thirst for more immediately after reading the first paragraph. You won’t even realise you are done with the story due to the suspense it creates.
Secondly, the use of humour normally, a story like this is supposed to be scary but the humour in this tends to remove the fear that comes along with the story. For example, the question that was asked by the witch from china, Lee and d response from Beyonville is amusing to the extent that u don’t even take notice of d scary act that follows.
Also, the writer's use of imagery is also very effective in the sense that the reader is able to picture every scene with his mind's eye which makes it very interesting to read.
Moreover, the writer’s choice and use of words are down to earth to d extent that even the average student can understand.
Lastly, the writer's inclusion of poetry also depicts one of the qualities of a good writer.
There are certain things which are not clear in the story.
First, how can Michael, who was a pope 349 years ago become a tyrant now?
Secondly, did Michael drink the elixir of life? According to the story, he was about 65 years old when Beyonville conquered his army in 349 years later, he should be around 414 years.
Lastly, am not sure whether the narrator in chapter 1 was the same boy in chapter 2 who thought her mum wasn't treating him fairly. I’m asking this due to d use of the first person narrative in chapter 1 and 2
But in all, it's a very interesting piece.

J.Y. FRIMPONG’S RESPONSE: Thanks B. Ebenezer Selorm. I really appreciate your kind words. First of all I will like to thank you for reading and also the question 1 and 2 will be answered in the subsequent editions (1771, 1881 and 1991)
And to your 3rd question, yes the narrator in Chapter 2 is the same narrator for Chapter 1. I know it is very confusing but then you will get the drift in the subsequent edition.

AJ DELINKSI: The storyline is a great conception: something about light overcoming darkness whereby the representative of d light itself is corrupted. However, I think the way the story is presented can be developed even more with better and more twists and turns to it. Also, It kind of looks too amateur for more experienced readers who might not enjoy it as they should...hence I think the choice of words used in writing it could be looked well as the arrangements

J.Y.FRIMPONG response: OK. I get your point. And this is the first edition so I didn't want to give away all the details but I think the subsequent editions contains twist and turns. You might realise that the narrator is of dubious nature. You might also realise that I failed to talk of the "book" which was heavily guarded, the narrator himself, Lord Jesse and so many things. Secondly I wanted to keep it simple in the first edition in order to build up people’s interest in it and also make sure that everyone who reads it understand hence the language. Thanks for reading, really appreciate it J


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