Monday 29 December 2014

Nativitate Dolor written by J.Y. Frimpong & Eden Akwasi King

When God created the world, all that there was,
Was happiness!
And as such man lived life in eternal bliss.
The warmth from the sun breathed on man
Like they shared affection of ninety three million miles.
The wind had this enchantment of bathing around man
Like her existence was to serve man.
The Garden of Eden pampered the foot of man.
To them, they were royals
Whose footsteps were blessings to keep warm.
God sat in the Heavens smiling at His perfection.
And it also smiled back at him.
Life was like a sweet wine which begged to be drank.
The bleakest memory of a tragedy to anyone
Was unknown to the imagination of man.
Shortly before creation,
The war which had sent the fallen Angels
Out of heaven was promised never to return.
It was then that the snake,
Cunning as he was wobbled to Hell to satisfy sheer curiosity.
The devil,
Seeing the epitome of himself come near him
Gently slipped himself into the soul of the snake
And journeyed back to the Garden.
He took some mints after licking some ixora sweets on the way.
His breath was like the freshness of morning,
His voice the soothing touch of purple silk.
When he spoke to Eve she was bewildered with glee,
Although she beat a thousand thoughts about disobeying God,
The devil said
"Oh gracious daughter of life,
You have begot the one truth that will set you free.
 Here I am."
After a short argument
Which Eve fought really hard to lose,
She took the forbidden fruit.
She bit into it.
Behold, the birth of Pain!
Dizziness and fear of sweetness
Clung unto Eve like the fins of growing yam
"Oh let me run to Adam and bid him taste this evil sweetness"
The taste of pain felt as much as the guilt of disobedience,
Which contrasted with the sweet deathly taste
From the same fruit to the tongue.
The snake began to offer support,
Ridiculing the folly he had made out of her
To unleash Pain unto Earth again.
Seeping through the air like an aphroditic aroma,
She stole the breath that hung in the nostrils
Of every living thing God had created.
All was filled with her sting,
Her touch, her soothe, her being.
Pain came to dwell in the world too.
You see,
When God created the world,
He had captured Pain and trapped her in the fruit;
Never to be broken, never to be bitten.
And now, for all of life and time,
Pain has come to dwell with man.
Once upon a time pain was born
And for the rest of life, Man run away from her.
She was the reason they run; she was the reason they stopped.

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