Wednesday 27 May 2015

Spoken Word: Love me like you don't


Your love was like a river
I couldn’t hold onto it more than once
It’s like a single grain of sand
It’s entirely impossible to hold on to it
You see – although your love is like
A million stars dashed across the diamond skies
It is only a fool who will think of possessing it
For even in Wonderland
You can’t be mine
So just love me like you don’t.

Falling through a rabbit hole was easy
Falling out love with you is impossible
I watched you through my tear gland
You stride in pride cos I have become your prize
Crown jewel you own
I loathe this emotion you claim you have
The jokes on me
Every day you say to this heart
I love you
Well Mister
For my heart’s sake love me like you don’t

Say my name with your seductive voice
I will fall for it
You walk in heels
I think with my head
But I am head over heels with you
What kind of love
Makes me so much illogical
You are like the sun
Loving you will burn me alive
But what option do I have
Love me – love me like you don’t

Fill up my frame with a deep confused emotion
Let me hope or a delicate touch
Then throw stones at this glass house you built
Let me explode all over the panes
And free myself of my excruciating pain
I want to be in pieces as long as I am free
My body, my mind, my soul….
Tired from you
And you whisper
“Love me like you don’t”

CLICK to download it

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