Saturday 25 July 2015


The third time we played
Our broken record on the velvet table turner,
We tapdanced on the pale moonlight
And listened to our sultry voices melt beautiful memories into uncontrollable tears.
You held your hands on mine
As I plucked a flower from the woods
And threw it to the skies
Just to remind ourselves that
Like the midnight stars,
We were going to shine forever.
When we descended down the mountain
That was the last time
We heard our discordant melody.
You struck me like thunder
And before I could catch my breath
You were gone.
And so the rains came
And washed our record ashore.
The memories of you were all that I had in mind.
And when time passed,
As I sat on the beach thinking about you,
The rose we threw into the sky.
Landed on my head.
That was when I saw you again
Coming down like a warrior on a chariot to claim his lost victory.
We looked at each other
And every key and note
Came rushing back like a volcano.
So did our lost song.

                                                                                     Inspired by Eden Akwasi King's Sophomore
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