Friday 14 August 2015

Volcano (Earth Quake)

The night always sing a dirge
While the wind plays the harpsichordist
Stroking lower baritones
To its own delight.
There is more;
The silent nights dance like heathen in the forest
But in all these bizarre nights
I stand and look.
There are nights
When I just want to pretend to be mad
Yet this idea seems too expensive to buy.
There are also nights
When tears leave me
And in grief there seem no replacement.
It is during these nights that
It becomes more apparent
That water and tears are different
Even when they share the same volume.
There are nights
When I feel the world is so surreal
That I rather am too practical
Even to a ghost!
During these nights,
I can walk through walls and tease the ghosts that haunts me
Because I know he can’t penetrate through these walls.
There are nights,
When there are not enough letters of the alphabets
To describe the pains in the sinking soul
These are the nights when
My worry is big enough to make the earth quake.
These nights, when my touch can cause a volcano.




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