Thursday 18 February 2016

Nocturnal presence

She is only a nocturnal presence 
That comes to paint my face with
Smiles and tears. 
On the morrow, 
I wake up and she will be gone
With everything I see as life and sadness. 

Her perfume always lingers on 
Like that of a Harmattan-time ghost 
Set on flames. 

Her heart is fire 
And my soul is flames
And we love each other with a love
That can set heaven on fire 
And hell on the path to non-existence. 

Our love is so strong
That the angels are always mute 
For all the songs in their heart
Cannot describe this kind of love. 

The demons are always in envy
For they can't believe God ever created
Such a love and hid it from them
For all these forever light years. 

A conspiracy theory passed my room
And told me 
The angels and demons had plotted
To kill our love. 

But there is no need to be afraid
Because when fire, gasoline and water
Are in love 
No man dead or alive 
No principality weak or strong
Can stop this thing the Bible
Calls as love.

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