Wednesday 30 March 2016

A girl for KNUST SRC President

To start, I am not a feminist but I respect women.  I believe the world has never been fair to women and sometime our objectification of women is something we have been socialized with when we were young and must never continue.
We have trained women to believe that marriage is the most important. I believe marriage is a source of joy and (to some extent completeness) but lets face the fact, women are not only articles for male satisfaction. A woman, like a man, should be allowed to express whatever she has and want without she being reminded of her 'gender.'
When I heard a lady was standing for SRC president in KNUST, I was very much impressed. I said to myself, this lady, must be and should be a strong woman. I never thought I was going to ever meet her but you see, fate has a funny way of drawing people closer.
We had a discussion on phone and I realised how strong she was. To be honest, whenever we speak on phone, I don't see her as a woman. I see her as someone who is going to contest for SRC president.
When people ask me why I support a lady, I tell them, I support her based on principles. For people who know me, they will attest to the fact that I may be loud on social media but in real life, I am rarely angry. There was a time, I was speaking to this person (I don't know him and I don't still want to know),he made some really disparaging remarks about her and about me even choosing to support a lady when I had a bright career ahead of me. I told him that he is very stupid and if he ever has a daughter she should never train her to be inferior because she's female.
I have no problem with a man being a leader and I have no issue with a female being a leader. My principle is one -- we vote or support people based on issues and competence, I don't even believe that gender is an obstruction to self development.
We shrink women and we run them down but we forget is that we were given birth to by a woman, what we also fail to realise that we are going to marry a woman and if you can't stand a woman ruling you, then your mother has suffered just to give birth to you for you to run her gender down.
During her campaign,she told me of how student we are using our scarce natural resources to train, shout at her with very degrading comments. How can a university student who we agree is a future leader say "A lady de3 apart from sex what is she good for?" Really your mother is only good for sex. I saw to my horror, someone sit down, type on his/her computer a notice that she is stinking because as a woman she menstruates and hence she's dirty? Eei, this is the kind of leaders, Ghanaians are training and yet people believe that students are at the university learning things to help mother Ghana. There's a big difference propaganda and stupidity, until you know it, don't waste your time trying to bring someone down because you know what? Blowing someone candle doesn't make yours brighter.
Seriously,I don't even see what male SRC presidents do when elected that a female SRC president can't do.
Yet, she is a strong woman and has been able to walk through the storm. If you are in KNUST vote for Emmanuella Elipklim Katahena as SRC president, she is number 6 and she will never disappoint you.

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