Monday 18 April 2016

Short Story: Psyber

It seems everybody you meet on the streets is in one way or the other suffering from Psyber.Many are those who have been detained in mental institutions springing up in almost every part of the city. I just came back from one, they call it 'Adom Psyber Clinic.' It is not the glamorous of the psyber institutions around but they said the psychologist in there are good -- or they pretend to be good. I went to see my brother, he has been admitted for what they call 'Hyper PsyberDementia.' His own is serious and I wish he dies. 
Like everyone else, he got his wife through online platforms. These days, people are so glued to their phones that they can't take their 'lives' off it. The days when you had to meet a girl, fall in love with her and propose to her for over six times before she 'considers' you are long gone. Who has that time? He found a girl online, her name was Narnah Efiya (Nana Afia) I think, her shorthand was so intricate, her pictures were fire but her behaviour was volcanic. 
Like all relationships of late, they married online before seeing each other. The first night usually is for sex and you go back to your social media life. You sometimes would not see your partner for months and no one seemed to care. My brother had three kids, each the results of the three times they ever met. They said their relationship was fine but deep down in my brother's heart, it wasn't, he had found a new girl who gave her more than what Narnah Efiya gave him. Her pictures were so beautiful and so pure, her arguments on social media was phenomenon and most importantly, she was the most influential person on social media.
They started flirting around and later my brother divorced Narnah Efiya. It was a heartbreaking moment, my three nephews could no longer go online, they always had constant remainders about their new glamorous stepmotherMy favourite nephew, Pharaoh, had to kill himself because he couldn't bear it anymore and my brother didn't even mind, he went to the funeral because he was afraid he was going to lose some friends online. This is when he started getting psyber, he forgot so much about his family. All what he knew was screens and the only family he knew were those he met online. Later, the new girl, Betty left him and he lost it all. He didn't know who he was, he started posting weird messages online.
I found Adom Psyber Clinic online, I actually saw one of their sponsored post on facebook and I contacted them. I paid for all the cost online and they came to take my brother to their facility. I don't know what they do there but whenever I visit him, I see him sitting by a big screen trying to type his life back in shape. I hate labeling but my brother is Psyber like everyone else.

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