Sunday 8 May 2016


Your friends never told you 
Mothers are like cinnamon
That their eyes are factories of sugar?
When you were born, 
You tasted like a little war
A little atomic bomb 
Waiting to worsen other wars and burn the world. 
Then she looked at you 
You were crying 
And she said to you
"I can neutralize the poison in your eyes 
With the sugar in mine."

Didn't you ever know that
Your mother's breath tasted like salt?
You walked in and out of the room where she kept patience 
You robbed her of all the pleasures in the room. 
Every night she would cry and say 
"I have to sacrifice
I know I have to sacrifice
I just have to sacrifice" 
But you didn't care because you never saw those tears
But even when she was salt, 
She made your food worthy of being tasted

Foolish girl, didn't your friends ever tell you 
That you turn your mother into pepper 
And in order for her to be useful 
She grinded herself into paste 
So you would know that she is still sweet. 

Foolish boy, didn't you ever read 
That you can't build homes on whispers? 
Someone whispered to you 
That she is a witch.
So you walked into her house 
And started a war
Which she never recovered from. 

After everything she has done for you 
You only remember her
As a badly prepared food 
Which you gladly spat out.

Photo Credit: Maame Akua Acheamponmaa Boamah

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