Tuesday 19 July 2016

Short Story: REWARD

Kofi was nothing like a gentleman but for the sake of things he had to pretend as one. He was to be a teacher, a profession he was in because his grades somewhat did not qualify him to go to the university like most of his friends. He had no love for the profession, his mother had suggested it to him! He graduated by strictly the mercies of God.

When he finished, he had one hope and that was to be posted to an all girls school. He had heard that in girls’ school, the teachers ‘used’ the girls a lot. It made a lot of sense; having lots of girls crowded in one area meant the probabilities of sleeping with a girl or many was high. Indeed, God was merciful and answered his prayers. If he couldn't attend university, he could at least satisfy the little “organisation” down there.

On the first day at school, he was blinded by curves, breast and buttocks of all sizes. He had a boner alert the whole day and had more than four ejaculations. He slept a happy man, he told himself that that was perhaps his only consolation in life.

His first victim was Beatrice, she was a flirt! She loved throwing herself around every handsome teacher in the school. Getting her to bed was easy, it practically took him three days and some biscuits. He was mortally satisfied with the results. He was so happy but his happiness was cut short when he heard other teachers laugh at him “Na Beatrice ye obaa a yedi no? Obiara edi no bi da.” He was very hurt, he felt like a gigolo (as if he wasn't one already). Then came the second victim - Emily, then the third - Sylvia, the fourth - Bella until he lost count.

He didn't care about the perceptions about him outside. Of course, he heard many birds singing that he was a womanizer but to me having (seemingly) unlimited sex was God’s reward for him not going to the university.

But God is not a fool. He slept with one Ama and died during the act. Ama was afraid to tell anyone that Tikya Kofi had a heart attack when he was pulling out. She lives with the guilt till this day. 

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