Friday, 5 April 2013


There is a moment which comes with much anticipation
A moment whose outcome is like the sides of a coin
A moment which can be joyful or miserable
You are standing at a junction, creating your destiny
Is it going to be a failure or a success?

Indeed, there is not going to be a failure or success
Yes it is so because no matter what the outcome
It does not determine who you are going to be.
Just go into the room knowing that you are one step
Closer to your dreams and your future.

There is no tear or tribulation when you say to yourself
I will be a success at the end of the examination.
In the dead of the night, you stood up and took a book
And this is certainly not going to be in vain
There is no pain or no sorrow when you dedicate
This examination and yourself to the Lord of Host

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