Wednesday 8 June 2016

Curse of the moonlight (co-written by Kwame Botchway)

There is a curse in the shadow
Lurking around this ruins
On which we have built our dreams on.
Every night,
I whistle in dreams.
I see often a blind magician,
Who smiles in cauliflowers
"Build your home on this dream."
And so I would
Only to realise the doors lead to nowhere
The windows open to blockades
And the roof is rained mixed with thunder.
And in the lights behind the lid of our terrified eyes
I whistle again
Only to dream of us dancing again and again in circles
To the heightened laughter of new lovers
For in this ruins in the sky touches this very spot
Where rainbow is nothing than a song.
Even those were built with a broken drum.
The moon came tumbling,
Our silent night wind rumbling
but as always, she whistled into my nightmares,
Our songs will fade and dreams turn often pale
The sun too fail to rise
and the dark shadow lurking in the dark floats our only way out
Full moons are not for the forlorn
neither are silent dawns

But as for's in the pitch dark pits of hideous love we shall thrive ;
In these ruins
I pray and dance in the lights of jealousy.
My eyes are a half moon
My hands are a deserted castle,
My feet, a haunting voice.
In all these,
My dreams is what keeps my heart beating,
Though the streets are silent whistles
Lighted up by ecstatic terror,
All what I have to keep this ruins alive
Is a drug and a dream,
A romance and a worm
A joy and a foe.
My magician, you were last seen in a forgotten smile.

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