Wednesday 6 July 2016

Death (co-written by Doyselle)

Death doesn’t come when you expect it
Not when you need it desperately
Or when you wait earnestly for it
I saw death pass by my window
But it wouldn’t come to me
Not even when I taunted it

Death comes when you least expect it
It creeps upon you in the afternoon breeze
When the sky is brightest and the birds cheeriest
It arrives at the dawn of the New Year’s Eve
Just when you step into the kitchen for a glass of water
It swamps up on you in the spring
When the flowers smell freshest and leaving is hardest

I heard a wise man say,
“Don’t expect death-
Don’t revere death-
Don’t fear death-
Do not hate death-
For what comes to you as dread
Is relief to another”

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