Tuesday 9 December 2014


God is infallible
And hence everything he creates
Is meant for the good of mankind.
But it so happens that a brood of people
Who openly and covertly confess
To be called politicians
Have turned the mouth which was meant
To heal and mend wounds
To create and elevate people
To increase people's worth
Into an instrument of self enrichment .
I call their mouths "Blatant mouths"
Because unlike others, it has lost
Its shame and humanity
Its purpose and direction.
They open their mouths and the first thing
It does is to lie to you.
The good morning it says
Is an invitation to dupe you off your possession.
Yet they are one of us;
Flesh and blood
But want to be treated like gods and angels
They live in the glamorous houses
And have the best of girlfriends
Yes! Including the fine girl on instagran
You dream of a Rover, they drive a Rover.
You dream of going to work in New York, they have their vacation in Dubai.
You dream of getting rich, they dream of how to achieve immortality.
That is the power of the blatant mouth.
It creates without working
It destroys without touching
It ruins without thinking
When our minds get wiser
Your blatant mouths will have to work harder
THIS POEM IS DEDICATED TO www.yesiyesighana.com

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